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Chinese ships will be monitored as they enter Peruvian waters

Recently, the Gestión newspaper interviewed the president of CALAMASUR, Alfonso Miranda, regarding the new regulation that the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) is preparing in order to enable satellite monitoring of foreign vessels during their journey through Peruvian waters.

In the South Pacific, large numbers of Asian vessels operate at the jurisdictional sea edge of coastal countries and often invade the seas of these countries to fish without authorization. This case is recurrent for species such as the giant squid or squid.

"There have been documented cases of illegal fishing (by Chinese boats), not only here in Peru but also in other countries in the region," says Miranda.

The hardest hit by these illegal practices are artisanal fishermen, who state that they find these boats in their fishing areas, being forced to search for new fishing areas, taking longer to find the resource. This brings a series of consequences, such as the reduction in Peruvian production, processing and export.

"It is known that each year approximately 300 Chinese national ships enter Peruvian territory to carry out repairs, refuel, carry out transshipment of goods or carry out logistical operations," the newspaper said.

Currently the entry of these vessels is not monitored by the Peruvian authorities because the satellite system they use is not compatible with that of PRODUCE and, therefore, hinders their timely monitoring when they are within the waters of Peruvian jurisdiction. It should be noted that countries such as Argentina, Chile and Ecuador do not allow this entry into their territory.

“We have proposed that when these vessels enter a Peruvian port, they are required to have a satellite device that allows their location to be monitored in real time permanently. The same device is mandatory for artisanal vessels in Peru, so, with greater reason should it be for these foreign vessels, which often do not have proper conduct, "says Alfonso Miranda.

Along these lines, he stressed that PRODUCE is already in the final phase of preparing a standard to introduce these changes. “We are informed that it is already in process. I think (the norm) must already be in its final phase, for publication. Let's hope that the Ministry of Production publishes it in the shortest possible time, because it is an outcry from the entire artisanal and industrial sector, "Miranda told Management.

This regulation will be of great benefit to the country and to the artisanal fishermen of the region, since it will allow for better control and surveillance of the vessels that are in Peruvian maritime domain and will guarantee the reduction of illegal fishing, thus achieving preservation. of our fishing resources and generating more development opportunities for the country.



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