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CALAMASUR raises its position on key aspects for the sustainability of the flying giant squid

Last Monday night, the Committee for the Sustainable Management of Giant Squid (CALAMASUR), through its president and, accompanied by a delegation made up of artisanal shipowners and industrial processors-exporters, presented a position statement on urgent aspects of address for the sustainable management of giant squid in the 8th Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the PS-RFMO.

The document points to concern regarding the imperative need to define a formula to limit the existing fishing effort in the giant squid fishery that has grown continuously in recent years due to the development of a distant-water Asian fleet.

Another aspect noted is that, although improvements were achieved with the Management and Conservation Measure for the management of the giant squid fishery adopted in Vanuatu (CMM 18-2020), the proposal of a higher fence is considered necessary to coverage of observers on board. CALAMASUR's proposal is that the coverage be 100% of vessels as occurs in RFMOs in other parts of the world.

Finally, it is considered important to debate and discuss the prohibition of transshipments on the high seas, since these are recognized for not implementing good international fishing practices.

Unfortunately, all these proposals were not supported in the sessions of the PS-RFMO Scientific Committee. CALAMASUR hopes that the countries of the region will work on joint proposals that will allow the next meeting of the PS-RFMO to be reached, which will be in January in Russia, with coordinated, consensual positions and with high possibilities of being accepted by the rest of the countries make up said regional space for fisheries management.

“We calculated that the Peruvian government would be enthusiastic accompanying CALAMASUR's position. We thought they had the same interest in controlling the indiscriminate fishing of the giant squid in the high seas, but this has not been the case and that puzzles us ”, comments Alfonso Miranda, president of CALAMASUR.

“It was not what we expected. I believe that there was a lack of coordination with the real actors who are dedicated to the activity. The presence of the authorities in the field is necessary and not only from their offices, ”says Henry Juárez.

In this context, CALAMASUR will work on new proposals starting next month, which will be shared with other member countries of the PS-RFMO in the remainder of the year in order to control the indiscriminate fishing of giant squid.

The meeting was also attended by Henry Juárez, representative of the Association of Artisanal Fishermen dedicated to the extraction of squid, parakeet and others -APADEXPO, Gerardo Carrera from PRODUMAR, Diario Alvites from PERUPEZ, Edwin Houghton from the Association of Artisanal Fishermen Shipowners Mar de Paita - APAMARPA and Rubén Rojas from the Biobío Region Artisan Fishermen's Cooperative.

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